В воскресенье вечером Айзекс, оказывается, выступал на церемонии BAFTA Awards (как он нарасхват, однако )). Кстати говоря, там же присутствовали Эмма Томпсон и Стивен Фрай

Вот речь Джейсона:

So what does a cinematographer do? Seriously I don’t know what they do… Its uh… I’m told backstage that they paint with light, which makes them sound like a sort of Jedi Rolf Harris…. Um, but all I know is that as actors and actresses, it is very important for us to be on their good side because as they weave their magic with cameras and lenses and lights and dollies and gels and all the rest of their gadgets, including the box that they stick under your nose all day and click… They hold the power to make us look young or old, epic or pathetic, they can make us look super-skinny or that worst of all Hollywood evils – just quite thin. So it is with some eye to the future that I declare my undying love for these five demi-gods and announce that the nominations are [announces nominations]

Еще несколько фоток с церемонии в комментариях, а видеозапись я как раз сейчас закачиваю ))